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Capital Improvement Program

The Capital Improvement Program is a five-year plan to upgrade EBMUD’s vast network of pipelines, storage and treatment facilities to deliver water to customers and provide wastewater service. This network includes 4,200 miles of distribution pipelines, over 160 storage reservoirs, 135 pumping plants and more. The total planned CIP budget for Fiscal Years 2020-2024 is $2.5 billion.

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Long Term Infrastructure Investment Workshop Nov PDF 15.3 MB

Why is the CIP important?

Today, we face a generational challenge to ensure our community’s aging water and wastewater systems continue to serve us into the next century. EBMUD is focused on rebuilding the pipelines that deliver high-quality water to your home. EBMUD is also upgrading water treatment plants, distribution tanks, and pump stations to ensure reliable water service to customers, and wastewater treatment facilities that discharge safe, clean water and protect the San Francisco Bay. EBMUD is committed to providing the highest level of services while keeping rates fair and reasonable as we undertake the vital work needed to rebuild this system.

How is the CIP developed?

The CIP is prepared as part of the biennial budget and in accordance with EBMUD’s Strategic Plan. During the budget process, EBMUD staff will identify the capital projects needed to carry out the goals of the District and determine cost estimates and how resources will be allocated to accomplish the work.

Our Long-Term Infrastructure Investment goal is to “maintain and improve the District’s infrastructure in a cost effective manner to ensure sustainable delivery of reliable, high quality service now and in the future, addressing economic, environmental, and social concerns.”

How are projects selected and prioritized?

CIP projects are developed and prioritized to meet customer expectations for reliability and water quality, existing and emerging regulatory requirements, and public safety taking into consideration the the age, condition, and criticality of each facility. Master plans, condition assessments and studies are created to aid in this process.

Major Water System Capital Programs

The following table shows the major Water System programs and the projected five-year spending as we continue to invest in infrastructure such as replacing distribution pipelines and large diameter transmission pipelines; making improvements to treatment plants involving the filter, chemical, control and safety systems; upgrading or replacing reservoirs and pumping plants to optimize storage capacity and improve water quality; making improvements to the Mokelumne aqueducts; and replacing service laterals:

Water System, Five-Year CIP ($ Millions)

Programs  FY20-FY24 Spending
Pipelines and Regulators $548
Water Treatment Plant Upgrades  $262
Pressure Zone Improvements  $182
Reservoir Rehabilitation  $147
Pipelines/Appurtenances $142
Raw Water Aqueducts  $127
Polybutylene Lateral Replacements $76

Major Wastewater System Capital Projects

The following table shows the major Wastewater System projects and the projected five-year spending as we continue to make improvements to components of the Main Wastewater Treatment Plant such as drains, reactor piping, clarifiers, digesters, grit handling, concrete structures, and building systems to maintain our strong record of regulatory compliance:

Wastewater System, Five-Year CIP ($ Millions)

Programs  FY20-FY24 Spending
Treatment Plant Infrastructure $92
Digester Upgrades $18
Third Street Sewer Interceptor Rehabilitation $17
Resource Recovery $16
Concrete Rehabilitation $15
Capital Equipment Replacement  $14
Power Generation System $12