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39th Avenue Reservoir Replacement

39th Ave Reservoir Replacement - 4290 Maybelle Avenue

39th Ave Reservoir Replacement - 4290 Maybelle Avenue

The existing 39th Avenue Reservoir in Oakland is 90 years old. Rather than install a new roof and perform major upgrades, EBMUD plans to replace the existing aging 10 million gallon reservoir with a smaller 3.5 million gallon reservoir in order to increase system reliability as well as improve water quality and operating efficiency by removing excess, inefficient storage.

EBMUD completed a Mitigated Negative Declaration to assess the impacts of the project and identify mitigation measures. The Mitigated Negative Declaration and technical reports are available below.

Workplan and Schedule

The Mitigated Negative Declaration was certified by EBMUD's Board of Directors on January 22, 2013. Design is scheduled for 2027-2028 followed by construction in 2029-2030.


Tim McGowan, Project Manager
Phone: 510-287-1981

Community Affairs Representative
Phone: 510-287-0544

Contractors: For bid opportunities on EBMUD projects, see Business center.