Workplan and schedule
EBMUD will be restarting construction at Acorn Reservoir. The original contractor had experienced construction delays and requested to terminate their contract due to financial hardship.
Work was completed on Acorn 2 reservoir by the previous contractor and now a new contractor will be completing Acorn 1 Reservoir. Construction will star Month Day, Year and will be completed in Season Year.
Completion of the project calls for the demolish of the existing 1.2 MG Acorn steel tank, which is already out of service; install a second 0.6 MG concrete reservoir including foundation, access stairs, fall protection, valve vault, and related piping. Additional improvements will be done for electrical and fencing; repave reservoir site and access road.
During the completion of the reservoir, residents can expect to hear and see hauling trucks and equipment required for grading. Allowable work hours for this project are:
- Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
There are no anticipated water service interruptions associated with this project.
The Acorn Reservoir is part of a project that includes three additional reservoirs upgrade which includes, Derby Reservoir, Scenic Reservoir, and Scenic East Reservoir. The active construction period for the Acorn Reservoir project will be from October 2020 to the summer of 2022. Schedule is subject to change.
Contact information
Joe Voelker, Community Affairs Representative
Community Affairs
Phone: 510-287-2053
Emergencies or after-hours, call EBMUD at 866-403-2683