Pipe replacements on neighborhood streets
Beginning October 2017, EBMUD crews installed new water pipelines to improve water service in your neighborhood. New pipelines were installed in Oakland Boulevard (between Almond Avenue and address 1360), N. California Boulevard (between Trinity Avenue and Almond Avenue), Almond Avenue, Shuey Avenue (between North California Boulevard and Stowe Avenue), Stow Avenue, Almond Court, Brooks Street, and Dora Avenue in Walnut Creek. We will complete pipeline installation and final paving in Spring 2018.
What to expect
Equipment and materials will be temporarily located in your neighborhood during construction. There will be some loss of parking each day in the immediate work area, and minor delays during the work. After installation of the new water pipeline, crews will transfer water services, install fire hydrants and make final connections. Once construction is completed, material and equipment will be removed within 1 to 2 weeks.
Schedule and work hours
Pipeline construction will take place in fall 2017, paving will follow afterwards. Typical work hours are 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. We will provide traffic control, but residents may experience 10 minute delays when entering and leaving the work area. If you have special needs, please call us and we will make every effort to accommodate you.
Water service interruption
Crews will notify you, in person or with a door hanger, regarding any planned water service interruption to your property. After a service interruption, there may be air in the pipes that may loosen particles in your home plumbing. Close your toilet water supply valves, and then run water from your front hose bib, bathtub and/or cold water faucets for 1-3 minutes. This will dispel any air or loosened particles from your household pipes. If any water quality issues remain after flushing, please call us.
Paving and street surface
The asphalt paving applied daily is temporary and designed to provide a safe road surface during construction. Final paving will occur after pipeline work is completed. It may take up to 90 days before final paving is complete.
Kathryn Horn, Community Affairs Representative
Phone: 510-287-2053
Email: contruction-east@ebmud.com
Tim Harris, Superintendent
Phone: 510-287-0103
Email: timothy.harris@ebmud.com
David Katzev, Project Manager
Phone: 510-287-2050
Email: david.katzev@ebmud.com
Emergencies or after-hours, call EBMUD at 866-403-2683.