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Berkeley North Interceptor emergency repair

Project details

EBMUD is making emergency repairs to the Berkeley sewer interceptor in 2nd Street off University Avenue.  Construction will begin on January 9, 2023.

This work is being undertaken as an emergency to avoid possible pipeline failure and potential for sinkholes in 2nd Street.

Construction for this project will take place on 2nd Street in Berkeley near the University Avenue offramp.

Workplan and schedule

Construction will begin on January 9 2023 and will continue through May 2023. The schedule is subject to change. Work hours will be 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and will include work on some Saturdays. Access to residences entrances/driveways will be maintained.

Traffic control

To be determined with the City of Berkeley. There will be no right turn allowed from the University Avenue offramp onto 2nd Street through the duration of this project. Traffic will be reduced to one lane heading in the northbound direction towards Hearst Avenue.

Driveway access

Driveway access will be maintained for all residents in the project area. Should any concerns arise, please reach out to EBMUD using the contact information below.

​​​​​Contact information

Community Affairs 
Phone: 510-287-0140

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