Project details
The Briones Trench Soils Removal Project involves the excavation and removal of trench soils stored temporarily at the EBMUD-owned Briones stockpile site located in unincorporated Contra Costa County, north of the City of Orinda. The Briones stockpile site is used to store trench soils generated by EBMUD's activities including pipeline construction and replacement. Approximately 200,000 cubic yards of trench soils will be removed from the Briones stockpile site. Activities include screening, loading, and hauling of trench soils, and stormwater and dust control management at the site.
Workplan and schedule
Hauling is scheduled to occur at the Briones stockpile site for approximately four months beginning on Monday, April 22, 2024. Work hours will be 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and will be shortened to 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on weekdays when Orinda Union School District schools are in session. No trucks will be allowed on Camino Pablo Road prior to 9:00 a.m. The project will stop on August 9, 2024, the week before school begins.
Haul Route
The soil removal process in 2024 will involve hauling soil via Bear Creek Road, Camino Pablo, and Highway 24.
Enhanced Pedestrian and Cyclist safety
To prioritize pedestrian and cyclist safety throughout the duration of the project, our team has implemented a comprehensive traffic signage plan. This plan aims to promote safe driving practices and to alert haulers to the presence of pedestrians and cyclists along the designated haul route.
Before the project commences, the traffic signage plan will be put into effect. This plan includes the placement of temporary traffic safety signs along the designated haul route. Additionally, a temporary speed radar feedback sign will be installed along the north-bound direction of Camino Pablo in Orinda to discourage speeding and ensure the safety of pedestrians and cyclists.
What to expect
- A temporary increase in truck traffic from trucks arriving and leaving the Briones stockpile site can be expected.
- All trucks will be covered.
- No lane closures are anticipated during this project.
- No queuing, idling, or parking on local streets will be allowed by the trucks during the project duration.
Community Affairs
Phone: 510-287-2053
For after-hours assistance, please contact: 1-866-403-2683