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Buena Vista Avenue Interceptor Improvements

Project Update -

Project details

EBMUD is making emergency repairs to the Alameda sewer interceptor in Buena Vista Avenue.  Construction will begin on October 10 2022.

This work is being undertaken as an emergency to avoid possible pipeline failure and potential for sinkholes in Buena Vista Avenue.

Construction for this project will take place on Buena Vista Avenue in Alameda at the following locations:

  • Buena Vista Ave between Paru and Entrance Street
  • Buena Vista Ave between Benton Street and Sherman Street
  • Buena Vista Ave between Bay Street and St. Charles Street
  • Buena Vista Ave between Eight Street and Nason Street
  • Buena Vista Ave between Wood Street and Chapin Street

Workplan and schedule

Construction will begin on Monday October 10, 2022 and will continue through April 2023. The schedule is subject to change. Work hours will be 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and will include work on some Saturdays. Traffic plates will be placed over open trenches at the end of each day and access to residences entrances/driveways will be maintained.

Traffic Control

During construction, traffic will be reduced to a single eastbound lane. All westbound traffic will be re-routed around Buena Vista Avenue in the project area. 

Street parking on Buena Vista Avenue will be restricted during the construction.

Driveway Access

Driveway Access will be maintained for all residents in the project area. Should any concerns arise, please reach out to EBMUD using the contact information below.

Trash Pickup

For residents along Buena Vista Avenue: 

EBMUD is working closely with Alameda County Industries (ACI) to coordinate garbage removal for the duration of this project.

ACI has asked us to request residents along Buena Vista Avenue put their trash cans in the front edge of the traffic-coned areas of the construction zone in front of their homes the night before trash pickup. ACI will empty cans earlier than their regular schedule during construction to accommodate EBMUD contractors. Trash pickup will still occur on the same day as normal.

AC Transit

This project will impact AC Transit’s Line 19, which runs hourly on Buena Vista Avenue. Line 19 connects Alameda to Fruitvale BART in the East and Downtown Oakland in the West. In response to EBMUD’s work, AC Transit will be detouring their stops off of Buena Vista Avenue.

These detours will close three existing stops in the project area. Two Eastbound and One Westbound stops will be closed and replaced with Temporary Stop locations.

These Stop Locations will be in the following areas:

  • Sherman Street and Eagle Street – heading towards Fruitvale BART
  • Lincoln Avenue and Paru Street – heading in both directions

AC Transit related questions should be directed to AC Transit via their website at or by phone by calling Customer Service at 510-891-4777.

​​​​​Contact information

Community Affairs 
Phone: 510-287-0140

 Virtual Emergency Community Meeting was held on September 22, 2022 at 6 p.m.

A virtual public meeting was held on Thursday, September 22, 2022, at 6 p.m. where staff presented information about the project and received comments.

Residents who were not able to attend are strongly encouraged to watch the recording of this meeting to understand the impacts of this emergency construction project. To view the recording, please click this link: