As part of EBMUD’s infrastructure renewal program, the Derby Reservoir located on the access road by 2626 Derby Drive, San Ramon will be replaced. The existing 0.7-million gallon (MG) reservoir is oversized for the community it serves and has reached the end of its useful life. EBMUD will build a new smaller reservoir with a capacity of 0.3 million gallons. The replacement will reduce maintenance costs and improve water quality.
Project Update
The Derby Reservoir construction project is completed and the reservoir was put back in service on May 8, 2023.
Workplan and schedule
Completion of the project calls for the demolish of the existing 0.7 MG Derby tank, and build and install a 0.3 MG welded-steel reservoir including foundation, aluminum dome roof, wind girder, access stairs, fall protection, valve vault, and related piping; abrasive blast and coat the interior and exterior. Additional improvements and upgrades will be done such as install solar panel, fencing, radio antennae, and other electrical improvements; repave reservoir site and access road.
During the work period for completion of the reservoir, residents can expect to hear and see hauling trucks and equipment required for grading. Allowable work hours for this project are:
- Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The Derby Reservoir is part of a project that includes three additional reservoirs upgrade which includes, Acorn Reservoir, Scenic Reservoir, and Scenic East Reservoir. This project will start October 2020 and will be completed in the summer of 2022. Schedule is subject to change.
There are no anticipated water service interruptions associated with this project.
Contact information
Community Affairs
hone: 510-287-0151
Emergencies or after-hours, call EBMUD at 866-403-2683