EBMUD operates large sewer interceptors that connect to City sewer infrastructure to collect and treat the wastewater from East Bay businesses and residents, providing a vital service to protect public health and San Francisco Bay.
In spring 2018, EBMUD began work on the North Interceptor Relief Sewer, a project that provides additional flow capacity parallel to the North Interceptor in Albany and Berkeley. This work involves the installation of three sewer intertie structures at Buchanan Street in Albany and Page Street and Virginia Streets in Berkeley, as well as additional interceptor pipe installation along Eastshore Highway between Virginia and Page Streets. This 36-inch diameter pipe will be connected to an existing wet weather force main on Page Street and Eastshore Highway to expand our wastewater flow capabilities.
Workplan and schedule
The project is currently in the last phase of construction. A Sewer Relief Structure is being installed at Virginia Street and Second Street in Berkeley. Virginia Street is currently closed between Eastshore Highway and Second Street to support project construction. Expect traffic control, traffic detours as well as loss of some street parking, construction noise and dust during this work.
Previous phases of work on Eastshore Highway and on Buchanan Street are complete. All project-related construction will be complete by November 2019. Work hours are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Contact information
Community Affairs
Email: community@ebmud.com
Phone: 510-287-7208
Emergencies or after-hours, call EBMUD at 866-403-2683