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Pavon Creek and Scow Canyon Mitigation

Pavon Creek and Scow Canyon Mitigation

Pavon Creek and Scow Canyon Mitigation

EBMUD's work to mitigate for habitat loss during the seismic upgrade of the San Pablo Dam includes creating habitat for California red-legged frogs, restoring existing stream channels, constructing new wetlands, and enhancing habitat for Alameda whipsnakes in the Pavon Creek and Scow Canyon Area. Pavon Creek flows into Pinole Creek near the intersection of Alhambra Valley Road and Castro Ranch Road in Contra Costa County. Scow Canyon is in a protected watershed northeast of San Pablo Dam and is visible by boat from San Pablo Reservoir.

Workplan and schedule

EBMUD built several frog ponds and wetlands, restored floodplains and planted natives in 2010 and 2011. Maintenance and monitoring of the site will be ongoing through 2023.

Contact information

Community Affairs
Phone: 510-287-0151
