EBMUD maintains 4,200 miles of water pipelines in order to deliver high-quality water to 1.4 million people around the clock.
Between summer 2017 and fall/winter 2018, an EBMUD contractor will be replacing 88-year-old water pipelines beneath Grand Avenue to improve water service and reliability in your neighborhood. The pipeline replacement work will take place on Grand Avenue between Arroyo Avenue and Oakland Avenue, and on portions of Arroyo Avenue and Lower Grand Avenue. Construction has resumed to complete final connections, pipeline abandonment, and paving. Work is anticipated to be complete by spring 2019, weather permitting.
EBMUD will use signs and news alerts to help detour traffic during construction.
What to expect during construction
The pipeline construction on Grand Avenue will require lane closures, but two-way traffic will be maintained at all times. Full road closures will be required on Arroyo Avenue and Lower Grand Avenue during certain periods construction on these streets. After installation of the new water pipeline, crews will transfer water services, make final connections and pave the affected lanes.
Water service interruption
Crews will notify you, in person or with a door hanger, regarding any planned water service interruption to your property. After a service interruption, there may be air in the pipes that may loosen particles in your home plumbing. Close your toilet water supply valves, and then run water from your front hose bib, bathtub and/or cold water faucets for 1-3 minutes. This will dispel any air or loosened particles from your household pipes. If any water quality issues remain after flushing, please call us.
Paving and street surface
Temporary asphalt paving will be applied daily, and is designed to provide a safe road surface during construction. Final paving will occur after pipeline work is completed.
Laura Luong, Community Affairs Representative
Email: laura.luong@ebmud.com
Phone: 510-287-0140
Emergencies or after-hours, call EBMUD at 866-403-2683.