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Plymouth Cluster Pipeline Replacement Project

Project details 

Beginning on October 1, 2018, EBMUD crews will be installing a new water pipeline to improve water service in your neighborhood. We will be working on Plymouth Street, 97th Avenue, 83rd Avenue, Walnut Street, 102nd Avenue, Birch Street, Warner Avenue, Taylor Avenue, 60th Avenue, 87th Avenue and 86th Avenue. We expect to complete pipeline installation by November 2019, with final paving to follow.


Work hours are 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. We will provide traffic control, but residents may experience delays up to ten minutes when entering and leaving the work area.

If you have special needs, please call us and we will make every effort to accommodate you.


What to expect during construction

  • Equipment and materials will be temporarily located in your neighborhood during construction.
  • After the new water pipeline is installed, crews will transfer water services, install fire hydrants and make final connections.
  • Once construction is completed, material and equipment will be removed within 1 to 2 weeks. 

Water service interruption 

Crews will notify you, in person or with a door hanger, regarding any planned water service interruption to your property. After a service interruption, there may be air in the pipes that may loosen particles in your home plumbing. Close your toilet water supply valves, and then run water from your front hose bib, bathtub and/or cold water faucets for 1-3 minutes. This will dispel any air or loosened particles from your household pipes. If any water quality issues remain after flushing, please call us.

Paving and street surface 

The asphalt paving applied daily is temporary and designed to provide a safe road surface during construction. Final paving will occur after pipeline work is completed. It may take up to 30 days or longer before final paving is complete.

  Watch a video on how EBMUD paves streets following pipe replacements.   

Frequently asked questions    

  What construction impacts are expected when water pipelines are installed?  

  What work is happening near you? Use our interactive map


Laura Luong, Community Affairs Representative
Phone: 510-287-0140
After Hours: 1-866-403-2683