Project details
Construction will take place within and around the following locations:
Pump Station H located at 4399 Oakport Street
- Work at this location involves 24/7 bypass pumping operation, which may contribute to noise levels and the open bypass suction pit and pump de-ragging efforts may cause odors.*
- Sidewalk width adjacent to the property will be temporarily reduced to in order to extend the property fence line and allow more space within the property for equipment operation.
Oakport Wet Weather Facility at 5597 Oakport Street
- This location will be mainly used as contractor staging area.
San Antonio Creek Wet Weather Facility at 225 5th Avenue
- Work at this location involves trenching work to re-route utility lines, concrete pouring, and installing new perimeter fencing.
Intersection of East 8th Street and 36th Avenue
- Work at this location involves access to an EBMUD manhole for temporary inflation plug insertion and removal.
- The intersection will need to be temporarily closed during two separate overnight events, when traffic volume is lowest.
*Note: "Pump de-ragging" is the process of actively removing debris or blockages (often called "rags") that become trapped and clog the pipes and pumps. Wipes will clog your pipes and EBMUD’s wastewater equipment, causing project delays and prolonging construction in the neighborhood. Help EBMUD by only flushing the 3 P’s: Poop, Pee, Toilet Paper. Products including diapers, menstrual products, and paper towels do not break down in the system, even the wipes/products labeled "Flushable". Please put wipes and other products in the trash. Watch this video to learn how wipes and other products make it harder to protect the San Francsico Bay.
- Monday through Friday
- Work hours are 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
When the bypass system is operational at Pump Station H, work hours will be 24 hours for 7 days a week. The bypass system is expected to operate for approximately three months. EBMUD will provide traffic control. Residents may experience delays of up to 10 minutes when entering and leaving the work area. If you have special needs, please call us and we will make every effort to accommodate.
Construction is expected to span from April 2025 to September 2026.
What to expect
- Construction equipment and materials will be temporarily located within the EBMUD properties.
- Construction noise, dust, and vehicles entering and exiting the properties.
Contact information
Community Affairs
Phone: 510-287-0140
Emergencies or after-hours, call EBMUD at 866-403-2683
Project Resources and additional information
Maps for all construction locations for Pump Station H, Oakland
Document | Type | Size |
Pumping Plant H Rehabilitation - all sites | <1 MB | |
Pumping Plant H Rehab Map - main site | <1 MB |