The Quarry Site Restoration project is indefinitely on hold as the District evaluates other suitable options.
Quarry Site Restoration Project
EBMUD is in the planning phase of the Quarry Site Restoration Project (Project) which is located at the approximately 60-acre former quarry site (Quarry Site) owned by the San Leandro Rock Company at 13575 Lake Chabot Road in unincorporated Alameda County. EBMUD is considering the Quarry Site for placement of clean pipeline trench soils and restoration. Currently, as EBMUD replaces water distribution pipelines, the trench soils are transported to temporary storage sites. After the temporary storage sites reach capacity, periodic transport of the trench soils to final reuse or disposal sites is required. The Project would provide a final location for EBMUD trench soils, a long-term economical and sustainable solution, as well as an opportunity for beneficial re-use. As the Quarry Site is filled with trench soils, it could be restored by EBMUD to provide potential open space and passive recreational uses, such as hiking trails.
The Project requires EBMUD’s acquisition of the privately-owned property and restoration of the Quarry Site in stages over time. The first stage includes using trench soils for fill operations for long-term phased placement and stabilization of approximately 3.4 million cubic yards of trench soil at the Quarry Site over approximately 40 to 80 years. The pace of fill operations would depend on the pipeline repair and replacement rates and the number of trucks per day (or volume in cubic yards per year) of trench soils generated throughout EBMUD’s service area and transported to the Quarry Site. Trucks would access the Quarry Site from Lake Chabot Road.
During fill operations, EBMUD would also use an area of the Quarry Site for temporary stockpiles of trench backfill materials and another area for the mechanical separation of the trench soil/water mixture generated during pipeline repair projects.
The fill operations stage would be followed by the site restoration stage, which would include planting of native trees and hydroseeding with native wildflower and grass species, followed by grading and installation of a public recreational trail. The final stage of the Project is the long-term use of the restored site for open space and passive recreation. The restored site would be managed as public park land and/or open space, benefitting wildlife and providing open space and a recreational trail for communities in EBMUD’s service area.
On February 9, 2022, EBMUD held a second virtual community meeting where staff presented conceptual site plans and visual simulations, environmental review process and schedule, and solicited input on potential community ideas, issues, and concerns.
On June 3, 2021, EBMUD held a virtual community meeting where staff presented the Project, conceptual site design visual simulations, and solicited input on potential community ideas, issues, and concerns.