The Water Treatment and Transmission Improvements Program is a comprehensive program to enhance and modernize water treatment and move water quickly and efficiently to where it is needed. EBMUD’s current system of water treatment plants, reservoirs and pipelines in Lamorinda and Walnut Creek effectively treats the water needed to meet average daily customer demand, but the location and capacity of some facilities is not adequate for current peak use periods and for projected water demand increases. In addition, the science of assuring water quality is continually evolving and new regulations require different types of facilities for treating water.
The improvements needed for water treatment and distribution will be met by more than 20 projects that will be staggered over more than ten years. EBMUD will construct some new facilities, and update or refurbish existing facilities. Changes are planned for EBMUD’s Lafayette, Orinda, Walnut Creek, Upper San Leandro and Sobrante water treatment plants. There also will be many improvements to the water distribution system, which will include neighborhood pipelines, pumping plants and water storage tanks.
Workplan and schedule
- The Moraga Road Pipeline project (Lafayette and Moraga) is completed.
- Phase I of Happy Valley Pumping Plant and Pipeline (Orinda) is completed and Phase II is being planned.
- Highland Reservoir (Lafayette) is in construction.
- Improvements at the Walnut Creek Water Treatment Plant are in construction.
- The replacement for Leland Reservoir (Walnut Creek/Lafayette area) is being planned.
Contact information
Community Affairs
Phone: 510-287-0151
For after-hours, call EBMUD at 866-403-2683.
Contractors: For bid opportunities on EBMUD projects, see Business Center.
Published studies and other resources
The Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) was certified by the EBMUD Board of Directors in December 2006. The FEIR consists of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) and the Responses to Comments Document below.