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Berkeley - Wildcat Pipeline

West Of Hills New Alignment Map

West Of Hills New Alignment Map

EBMUD has completed installation of a new 48-inch transmission pipeline in Berkeley on Stuart Street from Benvenue Avenue to Ellsworth Street and on Ellsworth Street from Stuart Street to Bancroft Avenue. The Wildcat Pipeline in Berkeley was completed in June 2021. This new line will improve system reliability for our customers. 

Initial community outreach took place in 2013 when the Draft Environmental Impact Report was published. EBMUD has evaluated the environmental implications of the new alignment. An addendum to the environmental document has been prepared and is available under the "Published studies and other resources" section of the West of Hills Northern Pipelines page.

What to Expect

There are no planned water service interruptions for this project. Construction is now complete and restoration work is in progress. During restoration work, expect increased traffic to and from the site, traffic control and temporary loss of some street parking as well as paving-related noise and dust. Please heed temporary parking restrictions and traffic control. Air Relief Valves have been installed along the Wildcat Pipe alignment. These valves are a regulatory requirement and are located above ground in small wire cages within sidewalk medians. 

Typical project work hours are 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. If extended or overnight work hours are required, the community will be notified in advance.


Community Affairs
Phone: 510-287-7208

Emergencies or after-hours, call EBMUD at 866-403-2683.

Contractors: For bid opportunities on EBMUD projects, see Business Opportunities.