Project details
East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) is planning to construct a new pumping plant (Wildcat Pumping Plant) on EBMUD property at the intersection of Road 20 and El Portal Drive in the City of San Pablo. The Wildcat Pumping Plant will replace the current portable pumps with a permanent pumping plant facility and supporting electrical equipment. The site will be expanded to the south on EBMUD property to accommodate the new pumping plant building. The existing Road 20 Rate Control Station, located on the current site, will remain in operation.
The Wildcat Pumping Plant is being constructed to improve water service reliability to major portions of EBMUD’s service area serving customers from Oakland to Crockett. It will also be utilized for planned and unplanned outages of major water facilities (e.g., outages of EBMUD’s Orinda Water Treatment Plant and Claremont Tunnel), during a seismic emergency, as well as in the event of a drought to distribute treated Freeport water from EBMUD’s Sobrante Water Treatment Plant.
Workplan and schedule
Second Public Meeting
EBMUD prepared a draft Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project, and staff presented the analysis and results at a second virtual public meeting held on January 26, 2023 at 6 p.m. The draft Mitigated Negative Declaration will be available for public review from January 12, 2023 through February 14, 2023. Written comments on the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. on February 14, 2023.
Please address comments to:
East Bay Municipal Utility District
Attn: Anna Lau, Associate Civil Engineer
375 11th Street, M/S 701
Oakland, California 94607
Or email
The draft MND can also be viewed in hardcopy form at the San Pablo Public Library, 13751 San Pablo Ave, San Pablo, CA 94806, and by appointment at EBMUD’s administration building located at 375 Eleventh Street in Oakland.
The EBMUD Board of Directors is currently scheduled to take action on the MND at a regularly scheduled Board meeting in June 2023 at 375 Eleventh Street, Oakland.
You can watch the second virtual community meeting by playing the video below or you can watch the meeting here.
Initial community meeting information
The first virtual community meeting was held on January 26, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. where alternative architectural treatments for the new site were presented for community input. You can watch the meeting here and view the PowerPoint from the meeting below.
The comment period for these designs was 30 (thirty) days, ending on February 25, 2021. Once architectural treatment options were finalized, the planning phase will continue with the preparation of a Mitigated Negative Declaration per the California Environmental Quality Act followed by design and then construction.
Future community meetings will be held during the public review period of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and prior to the start of construction.
Community Affairs
Phone: 510-287-7208
For after-hours assistance, please contact: 1-866-403-2683
Contractors: For bid opportunities on EBMUD projects, see Business Center.
Published Studies and Other Resources