June 14, 2021
Drought and wildfires: EBMUD’s experts tackle hot topics during Water Wednesday Speaker Series
WHAT: Starting June 16, EBMUD will host a series of virtual conversationsevery third Wednesday of the month. EBMUD experts will speak on issues related to water and wastewater. Topics will include drought, water conservation, fire prevention, water quality and more.
The first event, on June 16, will address EBMUD’s water supply and drought plans. Since EBMUD’s Board of Directors declared a Stage 1 Drought in April, conditions have only gotten drier. Our presenters will outline where the drought stands and provide a glimpse inside the Freeport facility which is used in drought years to redirect purchased water into EBMUD’s system. The presentation will also highlight whatEBMUD is doing to bring in more water sources and the plan for worsening drought cycles. Participants will have opportunities to ask questions and ideas with EBMUD’s water experts.
June 16, 6-8 pm: The Drought, Part 1: Where We’re At and What We’re Doing
RSVP Here: https://tinyurl.com/droughtebmud
Zoom: https://ebmud.zoom.us/j/91715696803 -
July 21, 6-8 pm: The Drought, Part 2: Water You Going to Do About It?
RSVP Here: https://tinyurl.com/droughtebmudpt2 -
August 18, 6-8 pm: The other F Word, fire prevention in the watershed
Links to come
The East Bay Municipal Utility District has a proud history of providing high-quality drinking water for 1.4 million customers in Alameda and Contra Costa counties. EBMUD’s wastewater system serves 740,000 customers and helps protect the ecosystem of San Francisco Bay. EBMUD is a not-for-profit public agency established in 1923.
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