BRENTWOOD, September 27, 2013
Regional water system intertie does its job
The Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) and the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) recently completed a transfer of water through the joint agency intertie pipeline that connects the EBMUD and CCWD systems in Brentwood. This is a real-time demonstration of regional cooperation in water deliveries through existing facilities.
In 2007, CCWD and EBMUD completed construction on an intertie located in Brentwood to allow the transfer of water between EBMUD’s Mokelumne Aqueduct and CCWD’s conveyance facilities. This month, using this intertie, 2,000 acre-feet of water from the Woodbridge Irrigation District, near Lodi, was transferred through EBMUD’s aqueduct, to the intertie, and into CCWD’s facilities.
This successful transfer demonstrates how local agencies are working cooperatively to move water efficiently, for the benefit of Bay Area customers. The benefit to the Bay Area customers goes beyond a planned transfer in the regular course of business, and highlights the importance of these connections for emergency situations.
Of note, the intertie also flows both ways, so future actions would demonstrate the ability of CCWD to convey water to EBMUD.