July 8, 2020
Town of Moraga and EBMUD Reach Agreement on Landslide Remediation Plan Near Canyon Road Bridge
OAKLAND and MORAGA, CA - Following three years of negotiations, the Town of Moraga and the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) are pleased to report they have reached an agreement to work together to craft a solution that unifies the Town’s and EBMUD’s interests. The agreement protects the Canyon Road bridge by providing for the construction of a retaining wall to mitigate (and hopefully prevent) future landslide damage in the area near the Canyon Road bridge, Moraga Creek and Augusta Drive.
Like many areas of Contra Costa County this area is subject to natural landslides due to its geologic make-up. Landslides occurred in 2016 and 2017 on and adjacent to EBMUD watershed land, damaging several homes on Augusta Drive and the original bridge. To ensure safe access between Moraga, Canyon and the Oakland Hills, the Town of Moraga installed a temporary bridge across Moraga Creek. The temporary bridge is now being replaced by a new, permanent bridge, which was planned before the landslide occurred. The new bridge is scheduled to be completed in 2021.
Despite the parties’ differing viewpoints regarding the cause of and responsibility for the landslides, they worked together to craft a solution that protects the Canyon Road bridge. Under the agreement, EBMUD will explore the feasibility and cost of constructing a retaining wall spanning the area of the recent slides, designed to support the hillside below Augusta Drive and protect the integrity of the new bridge. The Town of Moraga and EBMUD would assume co-responsibility for the completed retaining wall. The agreement also clarifies future maintenance and liability responsibilities between EBMUD and the Town of Moraga.
EBMUD has applied for a $3 million hazard mitigation grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to mitigate hazards in the area, including landslides. EBMUD’s next steps will be to enter into design contracts and solicit bids for the retaining wall by the end of the year. If work estimates are reasonable, EBMUD expects construction to be completed in late 2021. Should EBMUD determine the retaining wall is not economically viable, EBMUD has agreed to fund up to $832,000 for the Town of Moraga to design and construct a smaller retaining wall on EBMUD property as part of its bridge project with the intent of protecting the bridge.
Separately, earlier this year EBMUD reached a settlement with the affected homeowners on Augusta Drive, agreeing to pay $3.67 million to aid residents in their rebuilding or repair of homes impacted by the slides.
EBMUD and the Town of Moraga believe this is the best solution for the community, noting that this solution paves the way for reestablishing the Lafayette-Moraga Regional Trail in the future.
EBMUD adopted the settlement agreement on June 30, 2020. The Town of Moraga will consider approval of the agreement at its regularly scheduled Town Council meeting on July 8, 2020.
The East Bay Municipal Utility District has a proud history of providing high-quality drinking
water for 1.4 million customers in Alameda and Contra Costa counties. EBMUD’s
wastewater treatment serves 685,000 customers and protects the San Francisco Bay. EBMUD is a not-for-profit public agency established in 1923.
The Town of Moraga is a semi-rural suburb in the San Francisco Bay Area known for its great schools and open space. Moraga was incorporated in 1974 and has a population of 17,994. For more information on Moraga, please visit Moraga.ca.us
EBMUD Public Affairs | 510-287-0138 | Andrea.Pook@ebmud.com
Town of Moraga | 925-888-7020 |cbattenberg@moraga.ca.us