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Requests for Proposal (RFPs)

Current RFPs

The East Bay Municipal Utility District requests a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) from firms interested in competing for placement on the EEO Investigations, Related Services, and Mediations Consultant Roster (EEO CR).
EBMUD is soliciting proposals to develop a roster of qualified contractors and consultants to implement a number of investigative techniques to locate sources of groundwater and stormwater improperly entering the regional wastewater collection system. EBMUD intends to award a two-year contract with three options to renew for one-year terms to the Proposer(s) who best meets the District’s requirements.
Richmond Advanced Recycled Expansion Microfiltration Module Replacement RARE
Maintenance work required at Field Reservoir for the removal, replacement, and cleanup of the joint sealants at the reservoir.
East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) and its seven wastewater Satellite agencies (the cities of Alameda, Albany, Berkeley, Emeryville, Oakland and Piedmont, plus Stege Sanitary District, which provides collection services to El Cerrito, Kensington and Richmond Annex) are operating under a Wet Weather Consent Decree. EBMUD is required to perform annual updates and calibration to a hydrologic and hydraulic model to assess reductions in inflow and infiltration. The RFP is to retain a qualified consultant to assist EBMUD. EBMUD intends to award a two-year contract with three options to renew for one-year terms to the Proposer(s) who best meets the District’s requirements.
Soliciting proposals from qualified professional engineering consultants to complete an alternatives analysis and to help identify a recommended nutrients watershed permit compliance pathway.
The District is soliciting proposals from qualified professional engineering consultants to support an update of the climate change analysis for the upcoming and future Urban Water Management Plan/Water Shortage Contingency Plan that reflects a risk-based vulnerability approach to climate change. This project will evaluate climate change on EBMUD's water supply system and provide an assessment of impacts and development of adaptation strategies that EBMUD can consider to in the context of providing water supply reliability.