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Nutrients Master Plan Update

EBMUD is soliciting proposals from qualified professional engineering consultants to complete an alternative analysis, and to help identify a recommended nutrients watershed permit compliance pathway. The consultant will help develop an implementation schedule that outlines all necessary and potential capital project costs, as required by the Nutrients Watershed Permit.

EBMUD intends to award an 18-month contract to the Proposer(s) who best meet the requirements.

Please respond to this RFP no later than 12:00 p.m. on Friday, April 25, 2025. Completed proposals must be submitted electronically via email to Maxwell Armenta (*. Hard copy proposals will not be accepted. 

*The District's email has limitations on attachment size. Please make sure your response is less than 25 MB. If the file exceeds the limit, you will need to send multiple emails. Proposers are solely responsible for ensuring timely delivery of their proposal. The District shall not be responsible for any issues related to transfer of files through email. You may email Maxwell Armenta to check receipt of the proposal. A confirmation should be provided, via email, within 24 hours of receipt.


If you have questions regarding this RFP, please send an email to Maxwell Armenta, Associate Civil Engineer. To ensure a timely response, questions must be received no later than 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 13, 2025.