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Moraga Creek landslide update

Find the latest information regarding the landslide along Moraga Creek. Please check back frequently for updates. 

Town of Moraga and EBMUD reach agreement on landslide remediation plan near Canyon Road Bridge

Updated July 8, 2020

Following three years of negotiations, the Town of Moraga and the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) are pleased to report they have reached an agreement to work together to craft a solution that unifies the Town’s and EBMUD’s interests. The agreement protects the Canyon Road bridge by providing for the construction of a retaining wall to mitigate (and hopefully prevent) future landslide damage in the area near the Canyon Road bridge, Moraga Creek and Augusta Drive. Read about the agreement here.

Moraga Creek update 

Updated: May 8, 2019 

In March and April EBMUD arborists trimmed and remove trees near the Canyon Road foot bridge for safety and coordinated this work with the Town’s storm drain repair and bridge work.  PG&E may perform additional tree trimming this month. 

EBMUD recognizes the many challenges related to work at the Moraga Creek landslide and water service along Augusta Drive. Because the matter is in litigation, with a trial date set, we are not in a position to comment or discuss details. We trust in the legal process and hope for a fair resolution and will share additional information when appropriate. EBMUD continues its commitment to deliver high-quality water to the community of Moraga and the East Bay.

Moraga Creek update 

Updated: Feb 19, 2019 

During a site visit on February 12, 2019, EBMUD observed that there has been significant erosion of slide material at the toe of the existing slide along Moraga Creek in the vicinity of Augusta Drive, upstream of the Canyon Road Bridge. At this time, EBMUD has not observed slope movement that is impacting upslope homes, homes on the other side of Moraga Creek, or the Canyon Road Bridge. EBMUD is continuing to monitor the slide.

Moraga Creek update

Updated: July 11, 2018

Property owners affected by the 2016 landslide, including EBMUD, are currently pursuing mediation to determine next steps in responsibility and repair of the area. 

This summer, tarps at the site were removed to allow the slope to dry out.  Tarps placed on adjacent properties were left intact.

Above ground water mains will remain in place on Augusta Drive until EBMUD is confident that they can safely be returned underground.  The water mains are regularly flushed to maintain adequate water temperature. For issues regarding water temperature or pressure, please contact a system water quality expert at 510-287-1842.


Moraga Creek update 

Updated: Dec. 14, 2017

As part of our ongoing investigation and monitoring of the existing landslide behind Augusta Drive, East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) recently became aware of new cracking in the ground indicative of new land movement adjacent to the slide in the direction of Westchester street. Though the cause of this movement is currently unknown, maps of this area indicate a history of prior movement.  EBMUD will be placing tarps over this area as early as tomorrow, Thursday, December 13, 2017 and continuing installation of the tarps through Friday. The tarps are used to protect the hillside from rain.

If you have a concern about the condition of your property, please contact an appropriate consultant. 


Moraga Creek update

Updated: Dec. 4, 2017

The Moraga Country Club landslide below Augusta Drive continues to be monitored by staff for
impact to Moraga Creek and the District's ability to transport needed raw water supplies to
Upper San Leandro Reservoir. The District and other affected landowners continue to move forward in exchanging information through the litigation process to determine both responsibility and a means for repair of the landslide.

Staff hope to proceed to mediation by the end of the year or early next year. To prepare for wet weather, in mid-October 2017, the District re-installed tarps at the site of the 2016 Augusta Drive slide and placed additional tarps over the areas impacted by the 2017 Canyon Road Bridge slide. These tarps will help protect the slope during the rainy season and will be removed in the spring. 

Canyon Road Bridge closure

Updated: April 21, 2017

On Monday, April 17, 2017, East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) observed a separation forming between the Town of Moraga’s Canyon Road Bridge and the adjacent Canyon Road paved surface. EBMUD staff immediately advised the Town of Moraga, and the Town’s geotechnical and structural consultants identified structural impairment of the bridge and continued slope movement. Based on these opinions, the Town of Moraga closed the Canyon Road Bridge indefinitely to all vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic on Tuesday, April 18, 2017.

During the course of the investigation of the extent of the new land movement, “cracking” was observed on the slope above Canyon Road, below 947-951 Augusta Drive, indicating signs of new land movement. It is unknown at this time if this new land movement will have any effect on your home. Though the cause of this movement is unknown at this time, geologic maps of this area show a history of previous slope movement.

EBMUD is collaborating with the Town to support public safety and response to this issue. We hope to support and work collaboratively with the Town of Moraga to investigate this new slope movement, in hopes that a coordinated investigation will be both cost and time efficient.

It is unknown at this time if this land movement will have any effect on your home. If you have a concern about the condition of your property, you may want to contact an appropriate consultant. You can also contact the Town of Moraga Planning Department at (925) 888-7040.


Tarps reinstalled prior to rainy season and monitoring continues

Updated: October 4, 2016

To prepare for wet weather, EBMUD re-installed tarps at the site of the landslide. These tarps will help to protect the slope during the rainy season and will be removed late Spring 2017.

Please be aware that the tarps are very slippery and dangerous when wet. Trespassing onto the landslide site is strictly prohibited. 

EBMUD has also installed monitoring devices in and around the landslide area. We will continue to survey and monitor the slide area for future movement. Above-ground water mains will remain in place until it has been determined that the site is stable enough to restore service to underground mains.  

Tarps removed and monitoring continues 

Updated: July 18, 2016  

EBMUD met with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to get agreement about how to address the algae bloom by the Canyon Bridge, regarding the odors emanating from Moraga Creek. Although algae blooms are a naturally occurring phenomena and may reoccur, EBMUD had the surface of the creek raked to remove portions of the algae bloom.

Over the past few weeks, and earlier in the spring, EBMUD has worked with the Contra Costa Vector Control Office who have responded and assisted in abatement efforts, either at the creek or in residential backyards.

The tarps on the hillside have been removed and soils are drying out. In anticipation of winter rains, we expect to reinstall the tarps over the landslide area beginning sometime in October. As the winter months approach we’ll have further updates and information.

EBMUD continues to monitor for any earth movement in and around the larger landslide area. By the end of July, EBMUD contractors will be installing monitoring devices in the area as well and drilling in the trail area for investigative soil samples.

Temporary water mains remain in place

Updated: June 6, 2016

Temporary above ground water mains along Augusta Drive remain in place to service customers in the area from Merion Terrace to the end of the street.

EBMUD placed erosion control fabric along the edge of the creek to prevent erosion of the bank on the opposite side of the slide. Neighbors may notice high water levels in the creek which are a result of high water levels in Upper San Leandro reservoir, and are considered normal for this time of year given the amount of rainfall that occurred.

The East Bay Regional Park District reopened a portion of the Lafayette/Moraga Regional Trail from the trail gate access across from 798 Augusta Drive heading north toward Country Club Drive. The trail south of this point from Canyon Road to School Street at Hazelwood Place will remain closed at this time. We strongly encourage everyone to respect the trail closure signs and stay away from the area of the slide.

EBMUD continues to monitor the slide. The area is currently covered with tarps which will be removed now that the rains have ended and as the soils begin to dry out. EBMUD continues to work with other local and regulatory agencies and its own professionals to investigate and monitor the slide.

EBMUD has worked with Contra Costa County Vector Control to treat the shallow ponded areas on the slide to prevent mosquito gestation. Those areas are nearly dry and should not present any further concerns. Vector Control has advised that treatment of the creek is not necessary, since the water conditions do not support mosquito breeding and growth.

Temporary mains installed, trees removed 

Updated: March 21, 2016

Over the weekend, crews installed above-ground, 2-inch steel water mains on both sides of Augusta Drive from Merion Terrace to the end of the street. These mains are temporary and will ensure continued water service. Homes are connected to the temporary mains with hoses; do not drive over or obstruct hoses in any way as they are the sole water source to your home. Asphalt ramps were also installed to allow access to driveways. 

This weekend, crews also completed tree removal on the EBMUD hillside as a public safety precaution and the ground was covered with tarps to minimize further saturation of the slope from rains. EBMUD continues to work with environmental and geotechnical experts on next steps.

Remember, do not irrigate your property to limit saturating the slope. Control drainage from your property and direct it to an appropriate location (storm drain or engineered culvert).

EBMUD and the Town of Moraga will continue to monitor the situation. If you observe a slide, on EBMUD lands, call us day or night (866) 403-2683 or contact the Town of Moraga at (925) 888-7040. If there is an emergency call 911. We strongly encourage everyone to respect the trail closure signs and stay away from the unstable area.

What is happening along the Lafayette Moraga Trail near Canyon Road? 

Due to the rains that we have experienced this year, a landslide occurred along Moraga Creek that damaged a segment of East Bay Regional Park District’s (EBRPD) trail on EBMUD watershed land in the vicinity of Canyon Road in late January 2016. On the day the slide was discovered, EBMUD immediately tarped the slide to prevent further saturation of the soils. EBMUD and EBRPD were in contact and EBRPD ultimately closed their trail and were scheduling a meeting to discuss the slide and next steps to occur after the end of the rainy season. In the meantime, EBMUD also retained consultants to perform an assessment and were in the process of conducting further study and investigation.  

As rains continued on March 9/10, a larger slide began to develop further up the slope near homes on Augusta Drive within the Moraga Country Club. The slide has continued to move and has affected homes along Augusta Drive. 

When did EBMUD know about the landslide? 

EBMUD learned in January that there was a slide between the creek and the EBRPD trail. At that time, District consultants identified the slide may be part of larger historic slide, mapped by the US Geological Survey in 1969. Initial investigations by EBMUD consultants did not indicate that there was evidence to suggest that the slide would impact any surrounding properties. Further evaluation of the slide was underway.

In January, EBMUD in cooperation with EBRPD, evaluated the area and EBRPD closed the affected area of the trail. Large white tarps were placed on the slope and trail closure signs were posted to inform residents and trail users of the closure. EBMUD has been communicating with the community through the Moraga Country Club and with schools, through trail signs and directly with neighbors. Additional outreach materials are being sent to community members. EBMUD has also been working cooperatively with the Town of Moraga and EBRPD.  

What is EBMUD doing to respond to the slide? 

EBMUD has continually monitored the slide and we will continue to protect the area with tarps. EBMUD has retained consultants to investigate and monitor the slide. We are removing trees in the area of the slide. EBMUD is working with the Town of Moraga, EBRPD, Moraga Country Club, neighbors and environmental regulatory agencies in our actions.

What should neighbors do?

We strongly encourage everyone to respect the trail closure signs and stay away from the area of the slide. 

If you live near a slope, do not irrigate your property in order to minimize the amount of water saturating the slope. Current drought restrictions in California mandate that landscapes not be irrigated within 48 hours of measurable rain. Control drainage from your property and direct it to an appropriate location such as a storm drain or engineered culvert. If you observe a slide on EBMUD lands, call us 24/7 at (866) 403-2683 or contact the Town of Moraga at (925) 888-7040. If there is an emergency call 911.

Who do I contact if I see somebody walking inside the fence in the closed area?

If you see anyone walking inside of the closed fence area, please contact Moraga Police at (925) 284- 5010. 

How can I know if I my home is on a landslide?

The US Geological Survey has landslide hazard maps online at and has various reports and maps of regional geology and landslide locations. The Town of Moraga also has a landslide hazard map for the Town. For additional information, contact the Town of Moraga at (925) 888-7040. 

What can I do if I have a concern about the safety of my home?

If you have a concern about the condition of your property, you may want to contact an appropriate consultant. If you are a resident of the Town of Moraga, contact the Town of Moraga Planning Department at (925) 888-7040.

Are there more landslides that neighbors should be aware of?

Due to the rains this season, several small slides have occurred along Moraga Creek. If you observe a slide, on EBMUD lands, call us 24/7 at (866) 403-2683 or contact the Town of Moraga at (925) 888-7040.

When will the trail reopen? 

The trail is closed indefinitely. At minimum, the trail will be closed for the remainder of the rainy season.

Who is affected by the slide? 

The current slide affects many entities: EBMUD, EBRPD, the Town of Moraga, the Moraga Country Club, the Homeowners’ Association and individual homeowners, as well as trail users.  

Questions? Contact: or 510-287-0151

For water emergencies including broken hydrants, main breaks, street leaks, or other EBMUD infrastructure emergencies, please call 1-866-403-2683 anytime.  

Moraga Creek Update

Updated December 3, 2020

EBMUD has begun placing tarps on the landslide area along Moraga Creek in preparation for winter.  

Currently, EBMUD is working with its consultants to design a hillside stabilization project that also includes creek restoration work and grading that will leave space for the reestablishment of the trail.  This work is being coordinated with other landslide-related projects along Augusta Drive and Canyon Road.  We anticipate the project will go out to bid in early 2021.

We will continue to provide water service for customers along Augusta via the above-ground main until the hillside is fully restored and the work on Augusta is complete. This is necessary for the safety of homeowners in the immediate area.  We are assessing conditions as they unfold and will restore underground water service as soon as it is safe.  We appreciate your patience during this project.  If you experience service disruptions or unsatisfactory conditions with the above-ground main, and, of course, for all water emergencies please call 1-866-403-2683.