EBMUD offers to our communities we serve the following payment plans and other assistance.
Customer Assistance Program
The Customer Assistance Program (CAP) provides up to 50% reduction on the water bill for qualified low-income customers in single-family dwellings and for eligible homeless shelters. EBMUD wastewater customers can also receive up to 35% reduction on their wastewater charges.
Water Lifeline
EBMUD partners with RCF Connects (Richmond Community Foundation) for the Water Lifeline Program to help EBMUD CAP customers who are facing an emergency and cannot pay their water bill. Customers seeking financial relief can find more information here.
Water Conservation Programs
Learn about ways to conserve water and reduce your overall water usage to save on your bill. Visit our WaterSmart Center for tips and rebates or contact us at waterconservation@ebmud.com or 1-866-403-2682.
Payment Extensions and Plans
All customers, regardless of income, may request a payment extension or make payment arrangements through any of the following options:
- Login to your account and select Request Services - Payment Extensions
- During business hours: call Customer Service at 1-866-403-2683 Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- After hours: call the Interactive Voice Response system at 1-866-403-2683.
Multi-Family Lien and Property Tax Collection Program
A new state law allows EBMUD to keep the water turned on for multi-family residential buildings and still collect delinquent charges. Learn more.
Other Agencies Providing Assistance
For specific programs please call or visit:
- Alameda County Social Services Agency
- Contra Costa County Employment and Human Services
- Good Hope Resource Center
- Lao Family Community Development
- Spark Point Contra Costa
- Salvation Army
- Season of Sharing
- St. Vincent de Paul
- Spectrum Community Services
California State Utility Bill Assistance
The state initiated programs designed to offer relief to eligible customers who fell behind on their water utility payments due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Through these programs, qualified customers had their eligible debt reduced via credits applied directly to their accounts by EBMUD, with funds remitted by the state on behalf of the customers.
In 2022, funding for this relief was provided through the California Water and Wastewater Arrearage Payment Program (CWWAPP), administered by the State Water Resources Control Board and funded by the federal American Rescue Plan Act. Residential and commercial customers with unpaid water utility bills incurred between March 4, 2020, and June 15, 2021, were eligible for relief. A total of $8.7 million in bill credits was applied to qualified EBMUD customers’ accounts, with an additional $3.5 million allocated to our customer assistance program.
In 2024, EBMUD received additional funds through the Extended CWWAPP program. Residential and commercial customers with outstanding bills for service dates between June 16, 2021, and December 31, 2022, were also eligible for assistance. A further $11.4 million in bill credits was applied to qualified accounts, along with $5.7 million designated for our customer assistance program.
View the FAQ’s on the Extended Arrearage Program FAQ's (PDF). If you have questions about this program, please email customerservice@ebmud.com or call 1-866-403-2683. Customer Service is available Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.