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New meter installation

EBMUD's water infrastructure is designed to provide the best water for businesses and residents of the East Bay. If you are proposing construction of a new building, commercial site, new home(s), or want to change the size of your water meter, please contact EBMUD to request service.

The following link will direct you to the new online water service application including domestic and commercial water service, irrigation service, dual service, private fire service, public hydrant and water main extension.

 Apply for new water service online here

Application for water services

Applicants requiring a dedicated private fire service for commercial and multi-family structures must submit a Fire Service Request for Available Flow and Pressure Information form for the property to be served. EBMUD will complete a hydraulic analysis of the water distribution system at the service location and provide flow and pressure information to guide fire service design. A water service estimate fee must be paid upon submittal. A dual service for both domestic use and fire protection is required for single-family residences or multi-family residences that are individually metered without a dedicated private fire service. Other multi-family residences and commercial buildings require a separate fire service.

Recycled water is used for landscape irrigation and other usage. Please download the Recycled Water Service Application to apply a for new recycled water service. For more information on EBMUD's recycled water projects, please visit the Recycled water page or call 510-287-1631. To learn more about EBMUD's charges and fees, visit the new water service costs defined page.

Apply online at

In addition, please print out and complete the Recycled Water Service Application.


A property must have principal frontage on a public water main to be eligible for a standard water service. If a property does not have principal frontage on a water main, a water main must be extended at least 10 feet beyond the property line before a standard water service can be installed. The District installs projects with water mains under 1,000 feet. The Applicant installs projects with water mains 1,000 feet and over.

Accessory dwelling unit

Please contact us at or 510-287-1008 to discuss your project and see if you need to apply for review.

Water service regulations

New water service regulations ensure wise water use, safe water supply, proper metering, fixing of leaky sewer pipes, and mitigation of contaminated soils. Please visit our Regulations page where you will find information about our water conservation review, Backflow Prevention Program, Private Sewer Lateral Program requirements, contaminated soils and storm water issues. For more information about regulations, visit Regulations Governing Water Service.


Contact us

The EBMUD New Business Office is open Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
375 11th Street, MS 104
Oakland, CA 94607-4240
Phone: 510-287-1008 | Fax: 510-287-0325

To request a systems map near an address, please complete the Map Request Form, sign it with a unique signature, and send the form to

Document Type Size
Map Request Form PDF <1 MB

To request a will-serve letter for your project, please complete the will-serve request form with as much detail as possible and email the form to

Document Type Size
EBMUD Will Serve Request Form PDF <1 MB