To learn more about new meter requirements and application process, go to New Meter Installation. Information is organized by type of service, such as New Standard Water Service, New Fire Service (including Private Fire Services and Public Hydrants), Recycled Water, and Main Extension.
How do I apply?
Please apply online at After you log in, select "Start New Application".
We do not accept paper applications or documents submitted via email. The application allows you to upload documents directly, such as site plans or fire marshal forms.
Who can apply for a water service application?
Anyone who is an authorized agent of the property can apply for water service.
How do I create a user account?
- Click “Sign In” at the top right-hand corner of the page
- Select “Create EBMUD ID”
- Follow the steps to create an ID, including providing your email address, creating a password, and verifying your email address
Note that your password is case sensitive.
- Click “Sign In” at the top right-hand corner of the page
The New Business Office cannot resolve any login issues with your user account. For technical assistance, please contact EBMUD Customer Service.
How do I change my password?
When you sign in, select Forgot My Password.
Once an application is created, it is tied to one email address, we cannot alter the email address to which the application is associated. You may provide the login information to another person, at your discretion, so they may access it.
Can I work on the application on my phone?
You may be able to view your application on your phone or tablet, though some functionality may be missing, such as the ability to upload files. For full access, we recommend working on your application on a laptop or desktop computer.
Note: EBMUD’s Water Service Application works on various browsers, but we recommend using Chrome.
- Go to, then click Sign In on the top right-hand corner.
- Sign in with the same email address and password that you used to create the application
- Your application will appear on the right-hand side of the page, under “My Projects.”
When filling out your application, complete the minimum required fields on each page and select Save & Continue at the bottom of each page until you reach the Acknowledgment page. At this point, you will be able to see all pages of the application and navigate between the pages by clicking on the page names.

When will I know if my application has been accepted?
The New Business Office is notified automatically when a new application is submitted. We will generally review your application within 2-3 business days and provide feedback to you via email. We will email you when your application is accepted and added to the queue for processing or if any items are missing from your application. The email will come from
If your application has been accepted, it will be assigned to a New Business representative and they will reach out to you in the next few weeks. The representative will keep you informed of your project status. You can also view the status of your application when you log in, your application status appears on the right side of the page under My Projects.

If your application has been marked as “Accepted”, “Assigned”, etc., you may be unable to make edits. To unlock and edit your application, please email your New Business Representative, or the New Business Office (
Which application should I fill out?
EBMUD has one general-purpose water service application with sub-types. You can learn more about the different sub-types of applications below.
Depending on what service(s) you are requesting, there may be items that do not apply to your project. You may skip those fields as needed and continue through the application. If EBMUD requires something that was left blank, you will be notified.
- Water: This category can be used for any domestic water service that does not require fire sprinklers.
- Dual: Dual service allows for one oversized water meter, combining both domestic use and fire protection for single-family premises and some multi-family premises (as approved by the local fire marshal) in lieu of a domestic water meter and dedicated private fire service.
- Private Fire: A dedicated private fire service is a meter that only serves fire sprinklers (no domestic service). This is most common for multifamily properties and commercial properties. Your fire marshal will determine if this is required.
- Public Hydrant: If the fire marshal requires you to install a new public hydrant, please select this option.
- Irrigation: This option should be used if you are applying for an irrigation-only meter (no domestic or fire services).
- Main Extension: A main extension describes extending EBMUD’s water main in the middle of the street. To be eligible for standard water service, a property must have principal frontage on a public water main. If a property does not have principal frontage on a water main, then a water main must be extended at least 10 feet beyond the property line before standard water service can be installed.
All meter relocations are done by East Bay Municipal Utility District. For meter relocations, please submit a water service application online ( You may use the application type “water” and specify in the project description that you would like to relocate the meter. On the application, please upload the following supplemental plans and documents to your online application:
- Enter the reason for meter relocation in the Project Description section of the application
- A site plan showing the current meter location and the new preferred meter location including distance in feet
- Enter fixture count for the existing house (number of water-using fixtures/appliances in the home)
When is payment due? To where do I send the payment?
Once your completed application is assigned to a representative, it will be reviewed by a New Business Representative who will provide a cost estimate letter (typically via email). We do not accept credit card payments. Payment for water services must be made via check or wire transfer. When you receive your cost estimate letter, you can submit payment in two ways:
- Send a check payment, referencing your WSA # in the memo line of the check to one of the following addresses:
By Mail
New Business Office, MS 104
P.O. Box 24055
Oakland, CA 94623-1055For Delivery to our physical address:
New Business Office, MS 104
375 11th St
Oakland, CA 94607-4240 - Please call the New Business Office at 510.287.1008 for instructions on how to complete a wire transfer instead of paying by check.
- Send a check payment, referencing your WSA # in the memo line of the check to one of the following addresses:
How much will my project cost?
The cost of your project can only be determined once a complete application has been submitted and reviewed by a New Business Representative.
Some factors which will affect your project cost are:
- Current or previous services on the parcel
- Site conditions such as soil contamination or the requirement for an engineered traffic control plan
- Premise classification (single-family, multifamily, commercial)
- Domestic demand (gallons per minute demand for indoor and outdoor)
- Proposed structures or future use
Please reference the Schedules of Rates and Charges to view our published costs.
Can I pay to expedite my application?
EBMUD does not currently allow for paid expedition of applications, applications are processed in the order they are received if all required information is provided.
Do I need to fill out the fixtures tab?
- Main Extension Applications: No – the initial information required for a main extension is: fire marshal form, on/offsite improvement CAD files, and water service estimate fee.
- Residential Applications (Single-Family Homes or Multifamily Premises): Yes – provide fixture information for all water-supplying fixtures and appliances in the home such as toilets, hand sinks, dishwashers, and hose bibs.
- If the fixtures are existing and will not be replaced, you only need to provide the number of fixtures
- If the fixtures will be newly installed (or were just recently installed), you must provide the quantity, efficiency rating, model name, and upload the manufacturer’s specification sheet to the fixtures tab.
- Create separate fixture groups (using the “Add Fixture Group” button at the bottom of the page) for each dwelling unit.
- Commercial Applications:
- If the fixtures are existing and will not be replaced, you only need to provide the number of fixtures
- If the fixtures will be newly installed (or were just recently installed), you must provide the quantity, efficiency rating, model name, and upload the manufacturer’s specification sheet to the fixtures tab.
- Create separate fixture groups (using the “Add Fixture Group” button at the bottom of the page) for each commercial unit.
- Fire Hydrant Applications: If the hydrant is required for a commercial or residential development, fixture information must be provided.
- Private Fire Service Applications:
- If the fixtures are existing and will not be replaced, you only need to provide the number of fixtures
- If the fixtures will be newly installed (or were just recently installed), you must provide the quantity, efficiency rating, model name, and upload the manufacturer’s specification sheet to the fixtures tab.
- Create separate fixture groups (using the “Add Fixture Group” button at the bottom of the page) for each dwelling unit.
- Irrigation-Only Applications: No
Do I need to have this “Hydrant/Fire Service/Dual Service Requirements” Form completed?
The Hydrant/Fire Service/Dual Service Requirements form is required for all applications, except for:
- irrigation-only services
- separating water service at existing structures
- OR to reset a meter that was removed due to a delinquency or illegal connection.
This form is required even if your fire marshal determines that new fire protection services are not required for your project. Similarly, even if the fire marshal approved your plans, a completed Hydrant/Fire Service/Dual Service Requirements form is required for consideration of other projects described in this section (i.e., renovations, additions, change in use, commercial meter set, etc.)
Why do I need to give you my domestic water demand if I only want a fire service?
EBMUD needs to ensure that existing domestic services are sized adequately. Sometimes, changes that prompt the installation of a fire service also reflect changes in use on the property (such as tenant improvements.) In other cases, a service installed in 1950, for example, may not be sufficient for the current water demands of the property.
How do I fill out the irrigation information?
- If your property has less than 500 square feet of irrigable land, you do not need to complete the irrigation tab in its entirety. You will need to provide a simple site plan which shows the area of irrigable land.
- If the property has more than 500 square feet of irrigable land, you must provide Model Water Efficiency Landscape Ordinance (MWELO)-compliant landscaping and irrigation plans. Please refer to EBMUD’s “Outdoor Requirements” document for required elements in your landscape/irrigation plans. If you have any questions, please contact our Water Conservation group at 510-287-1900.
Do I need a 1-inch meter for my single-family home? Is this required for homes with fire sprinklers?
The meter size you receive is based on the domestic demand of the property (indoor and outdoor demand, as measured in gallons per minute). If your home has fire sprinklers, the minimum meter size EBMUD installs is a 1-inch dual service meter.
A service for both domestic use and fire protection (dual service) has a larger lateral and meter than a standard domestic service to meet the flow demand for fire prevention. The standard lateral size is 1-1/2-inch and the meter size for dual service depends on the domestic demand for your property and flow demand for fire prevention, but is typically 1-inch to 1-1/2-inch.
What is the pressure at my service? How do I get my pressure information?
You can request pressure information for free at the following link: Free General Pressure Request.
- Results are typically emailed to the requestor in 15 business days.
- Please note that this request is not suitable to confirm fire hydrant flow or to design a private fire service.
For private fire services and/or hydrant flows, a flow and pressure request must be submitted. You can apply online using the following link: Fire Flow and Pressure Request (for Hydrants/Private Fire Services).
- This request costs $369.00, which is paid via credit card. If you would prefer to pay via check, please email, and we can send you a paper form to mail with your check payment.
- Flow and pressure results are typically returned in 10 business days via email.
When do my flow and pressure results expire and what does it mean?
The flow and pressure results you received from EBMUD expire one year after their issuance. Once the results expire, you must apply for new flow and pressure results again and pay applicable fees to do so.
Can I install my own service?
EBMUD must install new laterals, meters, and other services, except in the case of an applicant-installed main extension
Applicants requesting the installation of at least 15 service laterals may choose to provide their own trenching and backfilling and be eligible to receive a refund provided that the applicant meets conditions outlined in Section D of EBMUD’s schedule of rates and fees.
What work does EBMUD do and what work can I do?
EBMUD maintains and provides service from the main in the middle of the street to the meter box. EBMUD does not have jurisdiction over private plumbing lines from the meter to the structure. The Applicant is responsible for coordinating any work on private plumbing lines.
We ask that if any work is done in advance of EBMUD installing new services, that a radius of approximately 5 feet be left around the future meter location so EBMUD can work without obstruction.
Will I need a backflow prevention device? What size and what type of backflow is required? Where does it go? Who do I contact?
For Backflow questions, please call EBMUD Backflow 510-287-0874 or visit their web page
How do I obtain a Will Serve letter from EBMUD?
A Water Will Serve letter is a letter from a water purveyor stating that the purveyor’s system will provide a water connection, under specified conditions, to the project proposed in the letter. These letters are often required in order to obtain a Building Permit from the property’s land use jurisdiction. The issuance of a Will Serve letter indicates that the District can provide service to the property at the time that the letter is issued, and that the service is subject to compliance with the District’s regulations governing water service and Schedule of Rates and Charges.
Please complete the will serve request form EBMUD Will Serve Request Form and email the request form to
Where are the Regulations Governing Water Service?
You can learn more about the regulations governing water service online.
For more information or questions regarding water service installation please call 510-287-1008 or email
1. What is a Clean Utility Corridor (aka CUC)?
A utility corridor is the trench that contains EBMUD water infrastructure (watermains, appurtenances, and service laterals) and is backfilled with engineered fill. EBMUD’s standard design specifications for water mains 20-inches in diameter and smaller have been established so that utility corridors are constructed in a manner that protects pipe integrity, ensures proper drainage, and meets geotechnical requirements. Utility corridors are installed in public and private right of ways, including streets or roads being served by EBMUD.
In cases where infrastructure is installed in former industrial areas and at locations with known or suspected subsurface contamination, a clean utility corridor (CUC) may be required to help protect EBMUD workers, our customers, and the environment during the installation and ongoing maintenance of the new water utility lines.
A CUC is differentiated from a standard trench in that it is “over-excavated” and lined with geotextile fabric, at a minimum. The over excavation helps ensure workers have enough space to conduct maintenance without being exposed to potential contamination remaining at new redevelopment sites. The geotextile fabric helps workers identify the boundaries of the CUC so that in the future when they are conducting maintenance work their risk of being exposed to potential contamination is minimized. As with standard EBMUD water utility trenches, a CUC is backfilled with engineered virgin Class I sand, and ¾-inch Class II aggregate base rock.
Sampling and analysis within the new water utility alignment is often required to confirm if a CUC is required and to confirm if the CUC is protective of utility workers. Confirmation samples may be collected, prior to the CUC installation, from sidewalls and the floors of the CUC. In addition, samples may be collected from trench spoil stockpiles for characterization. Sampling and analysis helps EBMUD determine the nature and extent of contamination as it relates to the new water infrastructures serving these redeveloped communities in former industrial areas with property covenants that restrict the use of the land (CRUP). More details on sampling and analysis are provided in the subsequent sections.
2. Why is a CUC necessary?
A CUC provides a safer work area for District utility workers to have access during installation of the utility and for future ongoing operations and maintenance of the water infrastructure. CUCs are not meant to eliminate all hazards but rather to reduce the risk of utility worker exposure to environmental contamination.
As part of the environmental cleanup process, governing regulatory oversight agencies (ROAs) authorize remedies to protect human health and the environment. The final remedy for many redeveloped former industrial areas includes the requirement for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) certified workers. In these areas, site-specific soil management and health & safety plans approved by ROAs are required when performing excavating work. CUCs installed in these redeveloped neighborhoods and business districts are intended to protect District workers who are not HAZWOPER certified. The CUC process also confirms best utility management practices in advance and informs EBMUD when work will need to include HAZWOPER certified contractor support.
CUCs are primarily installed in redeveloped areas with specific requirements captured in the property deeds CRUPs: as Land Use Covenants (LUCs) or Institutional Controls (ICs) and often include detailed land use restrictions specified in site management plans (SMPs). For most CUC applications, concurrence with the local governing ROA is required. Local governing ROAs typically include the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the Department of Toxic Substances Control, and the Alameda County Department of Environmental Health. CUCs help EBMUD work in accordance with applicable California Occupational Safety & Health Administration standards and comply with the property deed LUCs, ICs, SMPs, and other local ordinances established by the governing ROAs for redevelopment sites throughout the District’s service areas.
3. How is a CUC different than a standard trench?
Unlike standard utility trenches, CUCs need to be confirmed with the local governing ROAs overseeing property deeds with LUCs, ICs, and site specific SMP requirements. A CUC is wider and deeper than a standard trench, and the dimensions are based on the diameter of the water main or service lateral. This additional space provides District workers a safer work environment away from known or anticipated contamination in the soil beyond the limits of the CUC.
At a minimum, the CUC is lined with demarcation fabric that clearly identifies the boundaries of the trench for future access when maintenance is required on the water utility. Additional remediation features may be required by the local governing ROA. Depending on the nature and extent of contamination, more impermeable trench liner materials and or trench dams may also need to be considered. Engineering controls and remediation features installed within CUCs are confirmed with the local governing ROA and EBMUD, and if required, are installed by qualified environmental contractors.
4. What other practices are implemented to protect Workers?
District inspectors and District plumbers that oversee and install water services in CUCs are not HAZWOPER certified. Health and safety measures are implemented to protect non-HAZWOPER certified workers may include the following best management practices (BMPs): temporary plastic barriers, forced air ventilation, monitoring for dust and hazardous atmospheric conditions (including volatile organic compounds). Depending on the nature and extent of the contamination, BMPs may also include dust or vapor suppression.
5. What are the dimensions of a CUC?
A CUC is wider and deeper than a standard trench, and the dimensions are based on the diameter of the water main or service lateral.
A CUC for a standard 8-inch diameter watermain would be 4.7 feet wide (5.7 ft. wide at the pipe bell holes) and 6.2 feet deep (6.7 ft. deep at the bell holes). The Standard Design Drawing for CUCs is linked here.
A CUC for a standard 2-inch diameters service lateral based on the diameter of the pipe would be 4.2 feet wide, and up to 2.9 feet deep depending on the position of the water main and location of the service meter or hydrant.
6. How will I know if a CUC is required for my job site?
Prior to completion of the Water Service Application, EBMUD’s Regulatory Compliance Office (RCO) will perform a review of the environmental history based on the project location and information available on public databases. If the site has a history of environmental contamination and may require the installation of a CUC, you will receive a letter from EBMUD’s RCO.
Property conditions that typically require a CUC include:
· Site has a history of environmental remediation, an open environmental investigation or ongoing remediation work overseen by a local governing ROA.
· A property deed with Covenants to Restrict Use of Property (CRUPs):
Land use covenants (LUCs) or institutional controls (ICs) to protect human health and the
environment AND require one or more of the following:
o Workers to be HAZWOPER certified
o Site specific soil and groundwater waste management and characterization requirements
o Qualified environmental professionals to monitor for recognized environmental conditions
o Cases where new or previously uncharacterized contamination is discovered by you which requires reporting to the local governing ROAs
· Jurisdiction under Local Ordinances
Each CUC installation is motivated for site-specific conditions because of this, CUCs should only be installed if required. CUCs may require an investigation plan to confirm the extent of the CUC. CUC investigation plans are reviewed and approved by the local governing ROA, and typically developed to confirm the limits of the CUCs installed, or to confirm where a CUC is not required.
7. What data is required to confirm whether a CUC is needed at my jobsite?
Soil, and groundwater data, may need to be collected within the new water service infrastructure alignment prior to the release of an EBMUD design package, or work order to District staff. The frequency sample collection is confirmed with the local governing ROA on a site-by-site basis. Sample results are often compared to the current Construction Worker Environmental Screening Levels established by the RWQCB and the appropriate Total Threshold Limit Concentration (TTLC) regulatory limits for characterizing hazardous wastes.
Analysis requirements are site specific and subject to approval by the local governing ROA. Analyses for trench soil and groundwater waste confirmation samples may include the analytes and analytical methods listed below. This list is not exhaustive and is subject to change as new emerging contaminates are identified by ROAs.
· Total volatile organic compounds, but at a minimum benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, and naphthalene (by USEPA Method 8260)
· closed‐system purge and trap for volatile organics (by USEPA Method 5035)
· Title 22 metals (by USEPA Methods 6020/6010B/7470/7471A)
· Semi-volatile organic compounds including polyaromatic hydrocarbons (by USEPA Method 8270C SIM),
· Total petroleum hydrocarbons (USEPA Method 8015B)
· Pesticides (by USEPA Method 8081A)
· Polychlorinated biphenyl (by USEPA Method 8082)
· Asbestos (by OSHA Method ID‐191)
· Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP)
· Soluble Threshold Limit Concentration (STLC)
o California requirement for hazardous waste; typically referred to as the Waste Extraction Test (WET)
8. What sampling frequency is required for pre-characterization investigation?
CUC pre-characterization investigation plans approved by ROAs have included the collection of soil and groundwater samples ranging in distance from 20 to 100 linear feet apart. Depth discrete samples are typically collected at 1, 3, and 5 feet below ground surface, depending on the depth of the water-service pipe. The frequency of sample collection are also confirmed with the ROAs on a site-by-site basis. This data is used to determine if a CUC is necessary and if a CUC installation plan will be required.
9. What sampling is required if contamination is discovered during the construction of a CUC?
If unanticipated contamination is discovered during the construction of a CUC, additional trench floor and sidewall samples of the CUC may be required, as specified in notes 2A and 2B in the Standard Design Drawing for CUCs. The frequency of additional sample collection must be confirmed by the ROAs on a site-by-site basis.
10. Which permits are needed to install a CUC?
Typical trench work permits are required for excavation work in the public right-of-way. Encroachment permits and traffic control plans are required by local cities and counties. If ground water samples are required to confirm the CUC, a drilling permit may also be required with the appropriate local municipality.
11. Are CUCs required for service laterals and hydrants?
Yes. If you are working in an area where there is known or suspected contamination, CUCs could be required.
12. Are CUCs required for recycled water lines?
Yes. If you are working in an area where there is known or suspected contamination, CUCs could be required.
13. Are additional mitigation features required in the CUC? When would these apply?
Every site is unique, and it depends on the nature and extent of contamination in the project area. Local governing ROA may require additional mitigation features such as:
· CUC Investigation and sample confirmation plans
· CUC Installation plans
· Vapor check dams
· Groundwater check dams
· Impervious materials in addition to demarcation fabric
· Monitoring wells
14. If I put in a CUC why do I need a different pipe material as well?
CUCs are not meant to eliminate all hazards but rather to reduce the risk of utility worker exposure to environmental contamination and do not necessarily negate the need for additional protections. Depending on site specific conditions it is feasible that over time the localized contamination could migrate into the CUC and come in to contact with the pipe. Pipe material needs to be robust to prevent any pollutant infiltrating the line and impacting drinking water quality. For this reason, the required pipe material will depend on the site-specific pollutants of concern and other relevant environmental factors.
15. Who installs the CUC?
Contractors install CUCs, not EBMUD staff. CUCs are installed most often to mitigate encountering environmental contamination and to prevent the burden of managing contaminated trench soils that could be characterized as hazardous waste. EBMUD requires that the responsible party and qualified environmental contactors confirm if new water lines will require CUCs to support water infrastructure. Confirmation of the possible need for a CUC should be performed in accordance with site-specific requirements established by the local governing ROA.
16. Who oversees and/or inspects the CUC and approves the installation?
District construction inspectors and District Service Area Centers oversee the installations of EBMUD infrastructure, including CUCs. If environmental mitigation features are required, EBMUD may utilize qualified environmental contractors to support oversight and installations.
17. What are the required submittals related to the CUC installation?
After EBMUDs Regulatory Compliance office (RCO) has completed their review and a CUC installation plan is confirmed with the local governing ROA, the work order can be released for scheduling from EBMUDs New Business Office (NBO). To confirm the CUC is installed in accordance with EBMUD’s Standard Specifications and the NBO Applicant Agreement, the applicant will be required to submit documentation confirming materials, permits, process, and completion of work. Below is an example preconstruction meeting agenda and submittal list for a standard water service lateral installed in a contractor installed CUC. These two templates help identify the rolls and responsibilities for contractor installed CUCs. Actual agendas and submittal lists are confirmed with EBMUD construction inspectors or District Area Service Center contacts provided by EBMUD’s NBO after a Water Service Application is complete.
Linked here is an EBMUD Pre-Construction Meeting Agenda Template
· Specific to South Area Service Centers- Contractor Installed CUCs.
Linked here is a Submittal Checklist Template
· Specific to South Area Service Centers- Contractor Installed CUCs.
18. How does a CUC protect District staff in the future?
A CUC provides a safer work area for District utility workers to have access during installation of the utility and for future ongoing operations and maintenance of the water infrastructure. CUCs are not meant to eliminate all hazards but rather to reduce the risk of utility worker exposure to environmental contamination.