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Water Theft Penalty

EBMUD adopted a Water Theft Penalty Ordinance related to water use on April 28, 2015. The water theft ordinance will allow EBMUD to fine persons for stealing water or making unauthorized use of a public fire hydrant. This ordinance went into effect on May 29, 2015. The ordinance was amended on September 26, 2017, and effective as of October 27, 2017.

Public Disclosure Requirements

Customers should be aware that under the California Public Records Act (Section 6254.16(d) of Government Code 6250, et seq.) EBMUD is required to release the name, home address and water use data of customers using water in violation of EBMUD's regulations and ordinance if that data is requested pursuant to a Public Records Act request. The relevant section is Government Code Section 6254.16(d) of the Public Records Act.

If EBMUD receives a valid public records request for information about violations of its water theft penalty ordinance, EBMUD will comply and the media may publish that information. EBMUD understands customers' concerns about their private information and will only release information which is required to be released by law. EBMUD takes customer privacy very seriously and has a practice of never voluntarily releasing customer information to a third party unless required by law. 

Ordinance Enforcement

Violating EBMUD's water theft ordinance is a misdemeanor in accordance with California Water Code section 377 and EBMUD has the option to take enforcement actions.

Appeal a Water Theft Penalty

If you wish to appeal this penalty, please fill out the appeal form (below) and follow these guidelines:

  • Please include photos or other evidence supporting your appeal.
  • The appeal must be signed and dated by the appellant/account holder.
  • Incomplete or unreadable appeals will be denied.
  • Your appeal must be post-marked within 15 calendar days of the date of the District’s Notice of Violation.
  • You will receive a response from the District within 30 days of the District’s receipt of your appeal.
  • Appeal must be mailed. Emails or faxes are not accepted.

Mail appeal to:

EBMUD Water Theft Penalty Ordinance Appeals
c/o EBMUD Customer Services Division
P.O. Box 24055, MS #42 Oakland, CA 94623-1055

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Water Theft Penalty Appeal Form PDF <1 MB