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Public Hearing: Collection of Wet Weather Facilities Charge on Property Tax Rolls

The EBMUD Board of Directors will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 1:15 p.m., or as soon thereafter, to consider the adoption of a resolution ordering the collection of the Wet Weather Facilities Charge on the property tax roll. 

Meeting Information

The public can participate in the public hearing in person or via Zoom. Online access information will be available at 72 hours before the meeting.

IMPORTANT: Any changes to the meeting location and/or access information will be posted at  

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 5473, the District has prepared and filed with the Secretary of the District a report containing a description of each parcel of real property receiving wastewater service that is subject to collection of the Wet Weather Facilities Charge on the property tax roll, and the amount of the charge for each parcel for the year. The applicable Wet Weather Facilities Charge for each parcel is computed in conformance with the schedule of rates and charges in Resolution No. 35350-23, adopted by the Board of Directors on June 13, 2023, establishing the water and wastewater systems’ schedules of rates and charges subject to Proposition 218, including the Wet Weather Facilities Charge for the Fiscal Year commencing July 1, 2024.

Copies of Resolution No. 35350-23, the report and the rates schedules may be obtained from the Office of the Secretary.

Any interested person may attend the meeting in person, telephonically, or virtually.

FY25 Wet Weather Facilities Charge

The Wet Weather Facilities Charge (WWFC) was established in 1987 (Resolution No. 31890) to recover the ongoing capital costs of implementing the District’s wet weather program. The program provides storage, conveyance, and treatment facilities for the excess wastewater flows that enter the sewer collection system during wet weather in order to prevent the release of untreated wastewater to San Francisco Bay.

The WWFC funds capital expenses associated with wet weather flows, including maintenance, replacement and rehabilitation of the District’s wet weather facilities. The WWFC is assessed on every developed parcel within the boundaries of EBMUD’s Special District No. 1 (Wastewater Service Area) that has a connection to a community sewer collection system.

The WWFC is billed annually in two stages, first on taxable parcels and later on tax-exempt parcels (mainly public agencies). The charge on taxable parcels is billed on property tax bills through the Tax Collectors’ offices in the counties of Alameda and Contra Costa. While not a tax, the WWFC is collected on property tax bills under agreements with the counties of Alameda and Contra Costa in order to separate it from regular sewage treatment charges. For tax-exempt properties, that do not receive tax bills, the charge is billed during the April to June billing periods directly to the exempt property owner by the District. Customers on taxable properties whom the District is unable to charge via tax roll are also billed by the District at the same time as exempt parcels.

FY25 Wet Weather Facilities Charge rates:

Lot Size

FY25 Wet Weather Facilities Charge

Small Lot (0-5,000 sq ft)


Medium Lot (5,001-10,000 sq ft)


Large Lot (>10,000 sq ft)


Filing a Protest

Anyone may object to or protest the report orally during the hearing or may do so in writing as long as the District receives the writing before the public hearing. 


For any questions, please contact Principal Management Analyst, Cathy Humphrey at 510-287-1983 or email at