Each service line has two parts: the District-side and the Customer-side (see diagram). EBMUD owns and maintains the District-side, while property owners are responsible for the Customer-side. The inventory app below includes the materials for both sides.
Currently, EBMUD has no lead service lines. Lead lines were installed between 1943 and 1945 due to WWII rationing but have since been replaced with copper or plastic. About 10,000 homes and buildings were once connected to District-side lead lines; there are no Customer-side lead service lines.
Some of the Customer-side lines previously connected to lead District-side lines are galvanized iron pipes. These are referred to as "GRR" service lines, meaning "galvanized requiring replacement". More information on galvanized pipes is here.
How to use this app
Search for an address. If you receive a result of "no information available" or "no results,” rest assured that lead was never present at this location. This is the case for about 98% of all addresses.
For about 10,000 addresses, a pop-up box will display the date that District-side lead was installed and the date it was removed. If a short lead connector is still present, this will be shown, along with the expected removal date. The Customer-side material will show as non-lead (copper or plastic) or GRR. More information about galvanzied pipes (GRR) is here.