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Sustainable Groundwater Management

Download Groundwater Sustainability Plan

Current Updates

4/10/2024 - The East Bay Plain Subbasin GSP Annual Report for Water Year 2023 has been submitted to the Department of Water Resources and can be viewed here.

9/18/2023 - The East Bay Plain Subbasin stream isotope study report has been completed and can be viewed here

7/27/23 - The East Bay Plain Subbasin GSP was approved by the Department of Water Resources on July 27, 2023. DWR’s determination letter can be found here.

4/3/23 - The East Bay Plain Subbasin GSP Annual Report for Water Year 2022 has been submitted to the Department of Water Resources and can be viewed here.

3/15/23 - The Stakeholder Communication & Engagement Plan has been updated for GSP implementation and can be found here.

3/6/23 - A Stakeholder Communication and Engagement meeting was held virtually to give stakeholders an update on GSP implementation activities and a demonstration of the DMS. A pdf of the presentation can be downloaded here.

2/25/22 - The East Bay Plain Subbasin Data Management System (DMS) is available for public use. The DMS is a joint effort between the City of Hayward and EBMUD and allows the public to view and access information regarding groundwater conditions. The DMS can be found here.

11/22/21 - EBMUD held a public hearing during its regularly scheduled public meeting on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 1:15 p.m. to receive public comment on the East Bay Plain Subbasin GSP. The hearing was conducted via webinar and teleconference. 

10/20/21 – A Stakeholder Communication and Engagement meeting was held virtually to give stakeholders an opportunity to provide their initial feedback on the Draft East Bay Plain Subbasin GSP before the public review and comment period closes on November 1, 2021. A pdf of the presentation can be downloaded here.

9/17/21 – The Draft East Bay Plain Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) was available for public review. The Draft GSP and the instructions on how to submit comments are available here. Comments were due by November 1, 2021.

Hard copies of the GSP are available at several public libraries within the GSA service area. 

9/7/21  – EBMUD and The City of Hayward have notified the cities and counties within the East Bay Plain Subbasin of their intent to adopt a GSP for the Subbasin pursuant to California Water Code section 10728.4. A copy of the Notice of Intent can be downloaded here.

Sustainable Groundwater Management Act

In stakeholders5.pngSeptember 2014, Governor Brown signed into law three bills collectively known as the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). SGMA creates a statewide framework for sustainable, local groundwater management in California.

SGMA requires eligible local agencies overlying certain basins to form Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs). GSAs are required to develop Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSP) to make basins sustainable within 20 years of implementation. 


What is Sustainable Groundwater Management?

Sustainable groundwater management is the management and use of groundwater in a manner that can be maintained now and into the future without causing undesirable results.


Groundwater Sustainablity Plan (GSP)

A GSP is a plan to implement the sustainable groundwater management of the local basins. A typical GSP will include the following components:



• Detailed in CCR Title 23 § 350 - §358.4

• Administrative Information

• Basin Setting

– Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model

– Groundwater Condition

– Water budget

– Management Areas


• Sustainable Management Criteria

– Sustainability Goal

– Undesirable Results

– Minimum Thresholds

– Measurable Objectives

• Monitoring Network

• Projects and Management Actions


Phases of Groundwater Sustainability Plan Development and Implementation

  • Phase 1: GSA Formation 
  • Phase 2: GSP Preparation and Submission 
  • Phase 3: GSP Review and Evaluation 
  • Phase 4: Implementation and Reporting 

East Bay Plain Subbasin and EBMUD

EBMUD’s service area overlies a significant portion of the East Bay Plan Subbasin, which is part of the larger Santa Clara Valley Basin. Following notice in local newspapers and a public hearing, EBMUD’s Board of Directors adopted a resolution to become the GSA for the entire portion of the basin that underlies EBMUD’s service area in 2016. In November 2016, after a 90 day comment period, EBMUD became the exclusive GSA with regulatory and management responsibilities for that portion of the basin (DWR Basin Number 2-009.04). 

Stakeholder Outreach 2023

Resource links 

Mailing List

If you would like to get updates on the SGMA, please send your contact information to Amy Underwood.


For answers to Frequently Asked Questions click here.


Email your questions to


Learn more about EBMUD’s Groundwater Sustainability Agency
Contact: Grace Su, Plan Manager
Email: Grace Su
Phone: 510-287-7013