Notice of Intent
Notice of Intent (NOI) will be filed by EBMUD about 5.5 years prior to the expiration of the existing license, which is March 2031. The NOI is a statement that proclaims EBMUD’s intention to file an application for subsequent license. The NOI will be filed with the Pre-Application Document (PAD).
Pre-Application Document
The Pre-Application Document (PAD), filed with the NOI, is the first key document that describes the project and includes existing, relevant information about the project's effects on resources. EBMUD will initiate preparation of the PAD in the next few months. The process includes contacting interested parties for information relevant to the project and the environment. The PAD will also include information related to potential studies and plans, as well as the schedule for developing the relicense application.
We would like to hear from you, as we work towards developing our PAD, on your level of interest and involvement in the relicensing process. Please take a few moments to complete this pre-PAD questionnaire (.pdf). You must download the form to fill it out. Completed questionnaires can be emailed to MokRelicense@ebmud.com.