Residential fill station
EBMUD cannot provide a recycled water fill station for residential customers at this time due to safety issues and access limitations at our Wastewater Treatment Plant in Oakland. We are exploring various options to do so in the future. If you would like to receive updates about this program, email
A Truck Fills Up on Recycled Water using an Air Gap
To help save drinking water, EBMUD provides recycled water at no charge for construction and other non-potable purposes.
Recycled water for trucks is available at EBMUD’s main wastewater treatment plant in West Oakland and may only be used in EBMUD’s service area.
The Recycled Water Truck Program supplies clean, safe, disinfected recycled water for allowed uses such as dust control, soil compaction, power washing, decorative fountains, landscape irrigation, street washing and sewer flushing.
To apply for a recycled water truck permit, please fill out the permit form and two insurance certificate forms below. If you don't meet all of the requirements or have questions about the forms, contact for assistance.
Document | Type | Size |
EBMUD RWTP Use Permit | <1 MB | |
RWTP - Certificate of Liability Insurance | <1 MB | |
RWTP-Worker's Comp Certificate | <1 MB |
You may email or mail the form as noted below:
Email: TruckWater@ebmud.comMail: EBMUD, Recycled Water Truck Program
P.O. Box 24055, MS 407
Oakland, CA 94623-1055
- Water from EBMUD's Recycled Water Truck Program must be used immediately and hand-applied. If your project requires the water to be stored in a tank, or distributed via pipes or irrigation lines, please contact EBMUD staff to discuss.
- Tank trucks must be equipped with an air gap.
- Truck owners must show proof of valid truck registration (copy for each truck must be attached to permit application).
- Truck owners must show proof of vehicle liability insurance and workers' compensation insurance. Copies of the Certificate of Liability Insurance and the Certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance must be attached to permit application.
- Before filling your truck for the first time, drivers are required to attend a brief on-site training in order to learn about using the filling station and the proper handling and use of recycled water. EBMUD's Recycled Water Truck Program Manager schedules the training and informs customers of the date, time, and location.
- If a company has more than one truck driver who will use this program, all drivers must attend an on-site training, and read and sign the Recycled Water Truck Program Guidelines below.
- Once the customer/driver completes the on-site orientation and training, EBMUD will issue a signed Recycled Water Use Permit along with magnetic recycled water signs to affix to each of the customer's trucks.
- Other requirements and details about the filling stations will be reviewed at the on-site training.
Document | Type | Size |
Recycled Water Truck Program Guidelines | <1 MB | |
Recycled Water Uses Allowed in CA | <1 MB | |
RWTP Use Permit Attachment For Additional Drivers | <1 MB | |
RWTP Use Permit Attachment For Additional Trucks | <1 MB |
More information
Document | Type | Size |
General Order 96-011 | <1 MB | |
Directions to West Oakland Fill Station | <1 MB |
Regulatory approval
The California Water Resources Control Board has approved this program which operates under EBMUD's existing master recycled water permit shown below. Customers must certify in the Recycled Water Truck Program permit that they have read the applicable rules and regulations in the master recycled water permit (Order 96-011) and agree to abide by them.
Recycled water for residential landscape irrigation
For EBMUD customers interested in picking up recycled water for residential landscape use, please see the latest updates on programs operated by two of our partner agencies: