Water rates

Water Rate Schedule - Effective July 1, 2024

Bills for all metered services, except for Private Fire Services, consist of three elements:

1. Water Service Charge

Water Service Charges are based on the size of a standard meter:

Meter Size (Inches) One Month Service Charge  Two Month Service Charge
 5/8 or 3/4 (homes) $35.48 $70.96
 1 53.60 107.20
 1-1/2 98.91 197.82
 2 153.23 306.46
 3 298.19 596.38
 4 461.24 922.48
6 914.09 1,828.18
 8 1,457.58 2,915.16
 10 2,091.61 4,183.22
 12 2,906.86 5,813.72
 14 3,722.02 7,444.04
 16 4,718.40 9,436.80
 18 5,714.75 11,429.50

2. Water Flow Charge

A Water Flow Charge is for water delivered based on meter readings. (One unit is 100 cubic feet or 748 gallons.)

Rates for Single Family Residential Accounts (per 100 cubic feet)

First 172 gallons per day (gpd) $5.41
All water used in excess of 172 gpd up to 393 gpd  7.44
All water used in excess of 393 gpd 9.83

Rates for Multifamily Residential Accounts (per 100 cubic feet)

For all water used  7.65

All Other Accounts (per 100 cubic feet)

For all water used 7.62

Nonpotable Water (per 100 cubic feet)

For all water used 5.93

3. Elevation Surcharge

An Elevation Surcharge is based upon the pressure zone in which the service connection is located. Pressure zones are determined by elements that include elevation and pressure.

Elevation Band Elevation Amount Per
100 Cubic Feet

Pressure zones serving elevations 0 through 200 feet (approximate). Pressure zones served by gravity flow and no pumping required.


Pressure zones serving elevations 200 through 600 feet (approximate). Pressure zones requiring pumping.


Pressure zones serving elevations above 600 feet (approximate). Pressure zones requiring considerable pumping.


Standard Billing Cycle

The standard meter reading and billing cycle for most customers is every two months (bimonthly).

Exceptions to two-month billing:

  • The average monthly bill is estimated to exceed $1,500.
  • There are reasonable and justifiable customer requests for monthly billing.
  • The average monthly bill is estimated to be between $100 and $1,500 and the Customer Services Manager recommends monthly billing based on an evaulation of credit and/or collection problems.

Private Fire Service

Private Fire Services are charged a monthly or bimonthly service charge based on the size of the meter. When a meter larger than 4 inches is required for a single-family residential customer in order to maintain adequate water pressure, the maximum service charge amount shall be set at the 4-inch meter level.

Meter Size (Inches) Monthly Service Charge
5/8 or 3/4 (homes) $18.88
1 25.95
1-1/2 43.51
2 64.59
3 120.91
4 184.21
6 360.08
8 571.13
10 817.32
12 1,133.86
14 1,450.45
16 1,837.38
18 2,224.29

There shall be no charge for water used through such services extinguishing accidental fires, but any water lost through leakage or used in violation of the District's Regulations shall be paid for at the rate for general use and may be subject to a penalty as may be established by the District.

Additional Information

For low-income customers, EBMUD has a Customer Assistance Program (CAP). For more information about this program, visit the Customer Assistance Program page.

For questions or problems concerning your water bill, water service, water pressure, or water quality, please call Customer Service at 1-866-403-2683 or e-mail custsvc@ebmud.com.