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Drought drags on


Our water reserves are half empty. This is the driest four-year period in EBMUD’s history. In addition to drought worries, many customers have noticed changes to the taste and smell of tap water, caused by decreased reservoir levels, increased algae levels and different drought supplies. Your water is safe to drink and use. These changes are in place to make sure people and businesses in the East Bay have water if we face another dry year.

We’re all wondering whether this winter will bring enough rain to California to pull us out of the drought. Please keep saving as much water as you can in case storms this winter don’t bring as much snow and rain as we need. The good news: with your water savings, plus drought supplies and snow and rain from Mother Nature, we’re in great shape to weather the drought.

Here’s some things you can do:

  • Chill your water before you drink it. Your water is clean and safe, even if it tastes different from what you’re used to.
  • Inside your home, strive for 35 gallons per person per day. That’s one five-minute shower per person, a few toilet flushes and hand washes, and one full load of laundry or dishes.
  • Don’t water your garden if it has rained recently. The California State Water Resources Control Board banned it, and EBMUD says it’s just common sense to save that clean drinking water for yourself instead.
  • When you turn your clock back for daylight saving time, also turn down your irrigation timer to once per week. And when it rains, turn off your irrigation completely. Hand-water if necessary.
  • Keep your trees alive by deep-watering once a month. Visit to see how to care for trees during drought.

Thank you for your help and patience. EBMUD will continue to manage this slow-moving natural disaster with as little impact to you as possible.