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E-Mission Possible


FACT: California is a climate action leader.

ANOTHER FACT: EBMUD just adopted some of the most aggressive greenhouse gas emissions targets in the nation.

Last year, EBMUD’s Board of Directors approved a plan to be carbon neutral for water operations by 2030 — 10 years ahead of the previous target. Our mission begins with this statement: To manage the natural resources with which the District is entrusted. We keep that promise with bold actions to reduce emissions, recover resources and rethink how we operate.

With green design in mind, we are building infrastructure that’s great for our water supply and good for the planet. Just this year, we completed the new Carisbrook Reservoir and Skyline Pumping Plant in Oakland and incorporated an on-site 30-kilowatt photovoltaic system to power the facilities.
In Orinda, we’re developing our 12th and largest photovoltaic project to date, capable of generating 5-megawatts of electricity. That’s enough to offset approximately 11 percent of our energy purchases.

You’ve probably seen EBMUD vehicles on the move in your community. Cleaner cars are crucial to meeting our emissions goals. EBMUD is evaluating the most efficient cars and trucks on the market and harnessing alternative fuels to modernize our fleet.  

All of our passenger vehicles are now hybrid or all-electric, and we’ve converted to using renewable diesel in most of our medium and heavy-duty vehicles. Our tailpipe emissions dropped over 35 percent between 2014 and 2019. We’re the first water/wastewater utility to join CALSTART, a nonprofit organization working to advance clean transportation and the first water/wastewater utility to sign the Drive to Zero pledge to accelerate growth of global zero- and near-zero-emission commercial vehicles.

These efforts add to our long-standing achievements. The Main Wastewater Treatment Plant produces renewable energy through the capture of biogas and conversion to energy. In the Sierra Nevada, we generate clean hydropower where we operate two reservoirs on the Mokelumne River.

As our planet faces a climate crisis, EBMUD is focused on sustainability and resilience. This means setting aggressive goals, exploring innovative technologies and investing in green and cost-effective infrastructure — because we can’t afford to wait.

This report summarizes climate change impacts and actions we are taking to continue serving you.

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Climate Action Plan 2021 PDF 1.6 MB