At EBMUD, we love the work we do, the land and water we protect, and the people we serve. As we turn 100, we’re as proud as ever to be a cornerstone of this vibrant, diverse and innovative community.
Much of our infrastructure is underground, tucked out of view. Yet EBMUD’s presence is all around you – in each drink from a faucet, each shower and handwash, and every drop sent down the drain. We provide fresh water to every home, business, hospital and school. We’ve underpinned the East Bay’s health and economy for a century while protecting the environment we share.
It all started in 1923, when East Bay voters approved the creation of a public water utility to replace the private companies that struggled to provide the region with clean, reliable drinking water. Cities, towns and suburbs expanded across the East Bay’s shoreline and rolling hills. Annexations stretched EBMUD’s service area farther into Alameda and Contra Costa counties. By 1950, we were the second-largest municipal water system west of the Mississippi.
We’ve kept pace with our community’s needs by responsibly investing in the infrastructure and know-how necessary to deliver high-quality water at the lowest price good service will allow. Today we provide water to 1.4 million people. Our wastewater treatment also serves 740,000 customers to protect public health and the San Francisco Bay.
EBMUD champions the natural resources with which we are entrusted. We help customers conserve the water essential to our lives. And we care for vital watershed open spaces and stunning rivers and reservoirs – beloved community assets that preserve our region’s character and offer abundant opportunities for outdoor recreation.
Few essential services touch your life every day the way EBMUD does. It’s an enormous responsibility and a real privilege to be so fundamentally embedded in our community.
EBMUD is developing a new budget and rates necessary to support critical infrastructure investments. Learn more at ebmud.com/rates.